Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

Quadrocopter setup. Frame ECS and Motors from Hobbyking

Even so I already bought a quadrocopter frame from hobbyking I also ordered this setup:

Why another frame? I figured that's the cheapest set of four motors I could find. I also guess it's good to have a spare frame. (This frame is a few centimeter smaller than the one of my previous post!!!).

The motors are running, the speed controllers work. I hooked it up to an old pc powersupply (which are cheap, reliable and perfect for "ground tests").

Nevertheless the motors are crap ... really a handfull of sh*t. 3 of 4 had a bended shaft so rotor (the magnets not the blades!) and stator touch. A bit of bending helped and now they work. I will use them for experimental stuff. The only positive thing to say so far is that they actually rotate ... 

As next step I wan't to get the PWM for the Motor Controllers. Unfortunately (or maybe not) I switched from FreeRTOS to ChibiOS because of the HAL (Hardware Abstaction Layer - basically "drivers") because I realized that I don't wan't to write proper drivers for the STM32 (Cortex M4) for FreeRTOS. So far I only got the demo of ChibiOS running and the HAL is still a bit confusing to me. Hopefully this will work and I won't have to dig deep in the low level world of the Cortex M4. Looking at the Arduino world I sometimes feel stupid to always try the hard way... But oh well I made a decision some time ago and I will try my best.

Frame with motors props and four esc

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